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6 Steps to Implementing a Telemetry Pipeline

Scott Bower


Scott is the Sr. Technical Product Marketing Manager at Mezmo. He has 20+ years of experience identifying market trends and refining go-to-market strategies to deliver comprehensive security solutions.

Observability has become a critical part of the digital economy and software engineering, enabling teams to monitor and troubleshoot their applications in real-time. Properly managing logs, metrics, traces, and events generated from your applications and infrastructure is critical for observability.  A telemetry pipeline can help you gather data from different sources, process it, and turn it into meaningful insights. This blog will explore the steps to consider while implementing a  telemetry pipeline for your business.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

The first step is defining your objectives. What do you want to achieve with your pipeline? Are you looking to improve your application's performance, reduce downtime, or gain visibility into user behavior? Some common objectives that organizations consider include:

  • Cost Reduction: Many organizations aim to reduce the cost of managing telemetry data, either by reducing the volume of data they collect or by optimizing their data collection through pipelines to be more efficient. 
  • Controlling Data Volume: Others seek to control the volume of data they collect, either by using advanced parsing techniques to identify unstructured data or by removing low-value, unnecessary, or repetitive data. 
  • Increasing Observability: Some organizations seek to increase the surface area of their observability by routing data to required destinations, throttling all metrics and log data, or normalizing logs and metrics before reaching downstream destinations. 
  • Data Transformation: A lot of organizations need to transform their data in some way to ensure that it’s in the correct format and can be easily analyzed. 
  • Data Preparation: Others need to prepare their data before it can be analyzed effectively. This could involve normalizing logs/metrics before reaching destinations, restructuring or augmenting data flows, or scrubbing, masking, or redacting PII data based on defined key structures before it reaches a SIEM or audit platform. 
  • Data Compliance: Many organizations need to ensure that their data collection and processing pipelines are compliant with laws and regulations. This could involve managing the routing to remain compliant with data residency laws, identifying risks due to new code releases or deployments, or supporting audit and risk management activities. 

Defining your objectives effectively enables you to choose the right tools and metrics to track and ensure that your pipeline meets your specific needs. Making sure that your objectives are measurable and aligned with your company’s overall goals and priorities enables you to effectively monitor your pipeline’s performance and ensure that it’s giving you the insights you need to optimize your application’s performance and user experience. 

Step 2: Identify Key Metrics

Once you have defined your objectives, the next step is identifying the key metrics you want to track to meet those objectives. Some common metrics include response times, error rates, throughput, and resource utilization. 

Additionally, you may want to consider factors like the cost goals of the operating and capital expenses for the observability pipeline, the list of sources and destinations for your data, and the transformation requirements to connect the two. It’s also important to document audit and compliance metrics so that you can ensure that your pipeline is compliant with relevant laws and regulations. 

Identifying the key metrics that are most relevant to your objectives enables you to set up your data-collecting and processing pipelines effectively, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. 

Step 3: Choose your data sources

Once you have identified the key metrics you want to track, the next step is to choose the data sources from which you'll collect data. These sources could include application logs, metrics from your infrastructure, business events, user behavior data, or any other data sources relevant to your objectives. You'll need to decide which data sources are most important and how you'll collect data from them effectively.

When choosing your data sources, you should consider factors such as:

  • Relevance: You'll need to choose data sources that are relevant to your objectives and can provide you with the insights you need to optimize your application's performance and user experience.
  • Availability: You'll need to ensure that your data sources are available and accessible so that you can collect data from them effectively.
  • Quality: You'll need to ensure that your data sources provide high-quality data that is accurate and reliable.

Once you've chosen your data sources, you'll need to determine how you'll collect data from them effectively. This could involve configuring your data sources to emit data in a format compatible with your pipeline, setting up data collectors or agents to collect data from your data sources, or using APIs or other integration tools to connect your data sources to your pipeline.

You'll also need to define the sources and destinations of your data and the method of ingesting and egressing. This involves configuring your tools to collect data from your data sources effectively, ensuring that your data is collected in a way that meets your objectives. You'll need to ensure that your data is transformed and formatted correctly to enable effective analysis and that it's stored securely to protect your organization's data and assets.

Step 4: Select Your Destination Tools

With your objectives, metrics, and data sources in mind, you can now select the downstream tools you'll use to collect, process, and analyze your data. Many different tools are available, such as Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. To choose the right tools for your pipeline, you’ll need to consider factors such as: 

  • Suitability: You’ll need to consider the tools that best suit your objectives and data sources. This involves evaluating the capabilities of each tool and determining which ones are most appropriate for your needs. 
  • Source Definition: You’ll also need to define the tools as a source for your data. This involves configuring your tools to collect data from your sources effectively and in a way that meets your objectives. 
  • Destination Definition: Lastly, you’ll need to define your tools as a destination for your data. This involves configuring the tools to process and analyze the data effectively, ensuring that you have the insights you need to optimize your application’s performance. 

Selecting the right tools and defining them effectively ensures that your pipeline is collecting, processing, and analyzing your data effectively so you have the quality insights you need. 

Step 5: Set Up Your Pipelines

Once you have selected your tools, you'll need to set up your data collection and processing pipelines. This involves configuring your tools to collect data from your data sources, process it, and store it in a way that's easy to analyze. To set up your pipelines effectively, you’ll need to consider several factors, such as: 

  • Ingestion: You’ll need to set up ingestion to match all possible data sources required. This involves identifying all of the data sources you’ll be collecting from and configuring your tools to collect data from each source efficiently. 
  • Processing: You’ll need to determine what processing is required to map your data sources to the destination. This involves ensuring that your data is formatted correctly and that any necessary transformations are applied to make the data easy to analyze. 
  • Storage: You’ll need to decide what long-term storage or data lake is the most cost-effective to store all data that may be needed in the future. This involves considering the volume of data that you’ll be collecting and analyzing, as well as the cost and scalability of different storage options. 

Considering these factors and setting up your pipelines effectively will ensure that your data is collected, processed, and stored in a way that meets your objectives and helps you gain valuable insights into your application’s performance and user behavior. It’s important to ensure that your pipelines are scalable, reliable, and secure so you can effectively analyze your data and gain the insights you need to optimize your application. 

Step 6: Test and Iterate

With your pipelines set up, you'll need to test them to ensure they're working as expected. You'll also need to monitor your pipelines and iterate as necessary to improve their performance and ensure that they meet your objectives.To test and iterate on your pipelines effectively, you’ll need to consider: 

  • Monitoring: You’ll need to monitor your pipelines regularly to ensure that they’re working as expected and that you’re collecting and processing your data correctly. This involves setting up alerts and notifications to inform you of any issues or anomalies that may arise. . 
  • Analysis: You’ll need to analyze the data you collect with your pipelines to ensure that it’s providing the insights you need to meet your objectives. This involves reviewing your key metrics and identifying any areas where you can improve your pipeline’s performance
  • Iteration: you may need to iterate on your pipelines over time, adjusting your tools and processes to meet changing needs and objectives. This may involve making changes to your data collection and processing pipelines to optimize performance and ensure that they continue to meet your objectives over time. 

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

In conclusion, launching a telemetry pipeline involves several steps, from defining your objectives and identifying your key metrics to selecting your tools and setting up your pipelines. By following these steps, you can gain valuable insights into your application's performance and behavior, enabling you to optimize it for better performance and reliability.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive telemetry pipeline solution, Mezmo Telemetry Pipelines can help you get started. 

Check out our documentation to learn how to set up and configure your pipeline using Mezmo.
