Using LogDNA for Akamai Log Delivery Service


Akamai provides the Content Delivery Network (CDN) which is a highly-distributed platform of servers optimized to deliver contents including web and media applications. These networks enable applications to easily serve content from closer to their end users. Centralizing Akamai logs increases the ability to observe the end to end application and service delivery. LogDNA is proud to enable integration with Akamai to provide better observability and a unified view for our customers. With this integration, information about quality of service, rates and statistics behind content delivery, Web Application Firewall (WAF), other metrics about the interactions happening between application and users are available in real-time in LogDNA.Here is how you can benefit from the LogDNA Akamai integration:
- Unified Logging: Using logs from Akamai datasets along with other logging sources, you will have a more complete view of your production systems while troubleshooting issues. You will be able to quickly search log lines and the Akamai logs you are looking for and graph them through our visualization tools. You'll be able to analyze, correlate and improve on availability, performance, security.
- Forensics and Monitoring: Using Web Application Firewall (WAF) and HTTP logs, investigation and root cause analysis can easily be conducted on security threads and events. You can use querying and alerting features in order to easily spot and get notifications about those events.
- Application Performance Management and Improvement: Using logs from multiple datasets, you can easily analyze performance issues and get alerted for each 4xx or 5xx errors. Using the information about regions, user agents, or devices, it is going to become easier to know which users are impacted or having a problem.
Just follow these simple steps in order to stream the logs from Akamai CDN:
- Sign up for free LogDNA account and locate your Ingestion Key (your Ingestion Key can be found by logging into the dashboard, under "Add a Source").
- Go to Luna Control Centre on Akamai CDN.
- Configure Cloud Monitor to forward logs to LogDNA as described here.
Congrats! Now that you see real-time logs from Akamai in your LogDNA Dashboard, check our docs to start understanding how LogDNA parses Akamai's logs.We hope this integration will help you in improving service and troubleshooting. Let us know if this post helps you and any suggestions you have to improve this Akamai integration. We would love to hear from you since we rely heavily on customer feedback to improve our product.