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Webinar Recap | Next Gen Log Management: Maximize Log Value with Telemetry Pipelines

April Yep


April has several years of experience in the observability space, leading back to the days when it was called APM, DevOps, or infrastructure monitoring. April is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Mezmo and loves cats and tea.

During our webinar, Next Gen Log Management: Maximize Log Value with Telemetry Pipelines, we discussed how you can take your log management strategy to the next level with telemetry pipelines and unlock the full potential of your data. 

Bill explained that the rapid growth of log data is driving up storage and management costs. He emphasized the need for an intelligent, adaptable log management system to efficiently handle this situation. Telemetry pipelines offer a cost-effective next-gen solution, using AI-driven processing and insights to maximize the log value. 

Key Takeaways:

  1. As organizations struggle to get timely insights, manage high storage costs, handle sensitive data, and navigate increasingly complex systems, managing logs in the traditional way is becoming more difficult and more expensive.
  2. Leveraging telemetry pipelines for next-generation log management streamlines the process of filtering, enriching, and transforming data in motion. ⁤⁤This data engineering approach reduces storage costs and optimizes data processing, helping you get actionable insights more effectively.
  3. Telemetry pipelines help you profile your data (a unique initiative to help you understand your telemetry data) identify what can be filtered or aggregated, and reduce redundancy. They enable you to leverage machine learning to distill log data into key metrics, gain deeper insights, optimize your log management processes, and accelerate troubleshooting, with the option of human intervention when required.
  4. When an incident occurs, using next-gen log management, like Mezmo’s telemetry pipeline, can automatically switch to incident mode when an error occurs, capturing high-fidelity data for troubleshooting, generating alerts, and initiating responses. It helps you to speed up issue resolution and improve service levels.
  5. Being able to support a diverse set of users like developers and SREs is an important part of next-gen log management as each user needs customizable data filtering and deduplication. Such users will also have requirements for data archiving and rehydration, so that you can optimize storage without worrying about losing any important data. 

To gain a deeper understanding of how telemetry pipelines can maximize the value of your log data, here is the full webinar recording, where Bill discusses all the details with a demo.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch with us.
