Welcome, Andrew Nolasco!

Kai Alvason is the Senior Technical Editor for Mezmo


We welcome Andrew Nolasco,one of our newest Sales Development Representatives to the team. It's exciting times for LogDNA, as we've been expanding pretty quickly. We're lucky to have Andrew on board!We asked him some important questions...
What were you doing previously?
I've been in sales for a few different software startups and have a passion for techie stuff.
What city are you originally from?
I was originally from Palo Alto, but moved to the Central Valley when I was young. After being stared down by many cows, I came running back to the Bay when I was old enough to leave for college.
What is your favorite food?
I love ordering 2 sides of rice at Benihana with my meal, or eating a burrito the size of a baby.
What’s your favorite flavor of cake?
Cookies and cream ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins.
What do you like to do for fun?
Almost passing out from exhaustion in my MMA class and being yelled at by my coach to train harder.
If you could instantly pick up a superhero power, what would it be?
Making traffic disappear.
What’s an interesting fact about you that people wouldn’t guess
I used to have a giant afro.
PS. We're hiring! Check out our current job postings and apply today.