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Welcome, Greg Swift!

Kai Alvason


Kai Alvason is the Senior Technical Editor for Mezmo

LogDNA is excited to welcome Greg Swift as our newest Lead Site Reliability Engineer. Previously doing Platform Engineering at Rackspace, he brings years of experience scaling applications and increasing performance (as well as putting out fires). Speaking of which, check him out doing an amazing fire performance!

logdna greg swift site reliability engineer new hire gif

We asked him some important questions...

What city are you originally from?
I live in San Antonio, TX and have been here most of my life.
What is your favorite food, restaurant, or drink?
Favorite dish is Bún thịt nướng chả giò. Favorite drinks: Dr Pepper (trying to quit it!) or Old fashioned. My favorite restaurant is Sake Cafe, some of the best sushi in San Antonio.
What is your favorite cake flavor?
Red Velvet
What do you like to do for fun?
Mainly hang out with my kids and occasionally play with fire :D
If you could instantly pick up a superhero power, what would it be?
Telekinesis - ultimate laziness or just super efficient manipulation of the world around you?
What’s an interesting fact about you that people wouldn’t guess?
Probably the fact that I've been a fire performer for going on 20 years.

Connect with Greg!  P.S. LogDNA is hiring. Check out our careers page and check it out!
