See how you can save 70% of the cost by reducing log volume and staying compliant.

Interactive Demo: In-stream Alerts

In-stream alerts execute their queries for trigger conditions on the data stream within a Pipeline,
so the latency between a trigger condition being met and alert being sent is typically measured
in seconds. And unlike observability platform alerts, which can only be set on metrics, in-stream
alerts can be set for both metrics and logs. This means that you can design your Pipeline to be
responsive to alert conditions as they happen.

In-stream alerts on Pipeline data provide a low-cost opportunity to analyze and detect important
signals before data gets optimized and routed to its destinations.

More details on this feature, here.

Previous DEMO
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Interactive Demo: Responsive Pipeline for Data Volume Incident
Interactive Demo: Mezmo Flow
Interactive Demo: In-stream Alerts
Interactive Demo: Route
Interactive Demo: Mask and Encrypt Data
Interactive Demo: Convert Events to Metrics